release date december the 21st 2011
In6-panel Digipak with oversized booklet in book format andbonus-track, only for this first initial limited edition! TheUnderworld, a place of fear, segmented into nine planes and ruled by21 Lords. Artaud Seth, Jawa Seth and Jon take us on a descent intothis unreal world. After the successful debut "Lib.1" andits follow up "Hypogeum II" (released earlier this year),the third long player by MERCIFUL NUNS is imminent: "XibalbaIII". Completely unphased by trends and inclination foringratiation to the listener Artaud Seth in his role as master- mindbehind the MERCIFUL NUNS continues to traverse his chosen musicalpath. Traditional Gothic Rock produced brilliantly not only in thecontext of present demands but quite simply seminal for timelessgreat music. Goth as a mixture of widescreen epic and massive wallsof guitar sound, sacred choir chants, rattling drum computer andArtaud's sepulchral voice permeating through every fibre of one'sbody, at times plunging its intrinsic despair deep into the heart ofthe listener. And yet, even this does not adequately describe themusical workings of the NUNS. The primary objective is to ensure thesurvival of the Goth-Rock spirit of the 80's and early 90's into themodern era; to not only recollect the sound but also from a lyricalperspective, to recall the origins of Gothic culture. Hence we findin "Xibalba III" mythological themes in the foreground.Where do we come from? How long have we been occupying this Earth? Isthere such a thing as Gods from outer space? Such questions and moreawait the listener. MERCIFUL NUNS are much more than just the solelegitimate successor of the 3 musicians' legendary former band GARDENOF DELIGHT! The NUNS have already attained cult status and must beregarded as seminal for intelligent listening pleasure!
01The Prophecy
02 Radiation
03 Dark Trails
04 Year Zero
05Ancient Astronauts
06 Dwellings Of Gods
07 The Return
08 InBetween Worlds
Bonus-Track for the limited edition: 09