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Reflexion - Out Of The Dark - CD
Availability:In Nachbestellung / Backorder
Release Date
01. Army of broken hearts
02. Crashing down
03. Undying dreams
04. Journey to tragedy
05. Me & myself
06. Feeble soul
07. Truth unveiled
08. Sleeping with death
09. Rain heart
10. Storm
11. Child in dark
Die Gruppe um Charming-Boy Juha Kylmänen ist die große Hoffnung für 2006, wie erste Pressestimmen sowie Charteinstiege in der Bandheimat Finnland bestätigen. Langjährige Erfahrung und bemerkenswertes Songwriting verweben sich mit typisch-finnischer Melancholie und sorgen so für Kurzweil. Die frühe Liebe zu Bands wie Metallica, Megadeth und AC/DC sorgt für den rockigen Kick in den Songs auf ”Out Of The Dark”, das durch Juha Kylmänens variable Gesangslinien zwischen bittersüßer Härte und Wehmut Gothic-, Metal-, Pop- und Alternative-Hörer becirct. “Out Of The Dark” kommt zur rechten Zeit, um den nahenden Sommer aufs Angenehmste zu verdunkeln. Mit potentiellen Hits wie “Army Of Broken Hearts”, “Crashing Down”, “Feeble Soul” und “Journey To Tragedy” im Gepäck, die dem bereits in Finnland in die Top-20-Singlecharts geschossenen “Undying Dreams” in nichts nachstehen, machen sich Reflexion auf, Herzen zu erobern.
Dass Reflexion auch live eine Band mit Energie und Esprit ist, hat sich inzwischen in unseren Breitengraden herumgesprochen. Den Beweis dafür wird die Formation im Herbst auf ihrer Europa-Tour mit Charon antreten.
As an overwhelming press response and high charts entries in their native country of Finland have already indicated, the group around “charming boy” Juha Kylmänen is one of the biggest hopes of the year 2006! The reasons are easy to grasp, while they have, unfortunately, become somewhat of a dying art: First of all, Reflexion do not belong in the category of bands that imitate some sort of style because it has become successful. They have been playing together since 1995 and have never felt the need to revert to pre-written hit tunes, conceived by aging composers in their well-secluded basements. Restrictions and preconceived paths are simply not their thing at all. Nowadays, it happens rather often that musicians are so willing to compromise that they completely become drooling lapdogs of the record company executives that want the “next big thing”, while on the other hand some acts seem to believe that they can make up for mediocre compositions and arrangements by simply turning the volume to eleven. Fortunately, Reflexion are none of these things. Many years of experience and first class song writing meet the melancholy that is so typical for Finnish music and create a highly addictive experience. The affection for bands like Metallica, Megadeth and AC/DC accounts for that rocking kick on “Out of the Dark” that is carried by Juha Kylmänen’s highly variable vocal performance that ranges from aggressive to gloomy and that is bound to appeal to Gothic-, Metal-, Pop- and Alternative-Fans alike. Back in 1996, the redhead front man was so impressed by what he heard emanating from the rehearsal room next door that he spontaneously decided to join the group that, back then, was still going by the name of “Enchanted” (and later, until 1999: Barbarian Z.) The first demo sold out within weeks, as were the clubs and halls they toured in Finland. The rapidly growing success could not prevent one thing that befalls most bands in their career, tough: line up changes. Throughout the years, quite a few musicians have joined in and out … but Reflexions current line up is the most stable and coherent that they have ever had. “Out of the Dark” is coming exactly at the right time to bring some exquisite darkness to the nearing summer time. With potential hits like “Army of Broken Hearts”, “Crashing Down”, “Feeble Soul” and “Journey to Tragedy”, all of which can easily match the first single, “Undying Dreams”, which has already charted the Finnish Top Twenty, Reflexion set out to take the hearts by storm.