Four years after “The Productive Citizen”, IMPLANT is back with their new full length release “Oxynoxe-X”. This album is the output of a tedious “write-delete-rewrite” process. The band set the bar very high and we hear it! Although these new tracks got stripped to the bone, they still feature an impressive richness of sound layers and musicality. And we indeed still recognize the IMPLANT characteristic ingredients which are all in there: danceable beats, parasitic sounds, melodies which settle in your ears like worms and the harsh vocals of Len Lemeire who once again spits his bile on our modern high-tech society in his quest for some balance and oxygen herein. “Oxynoxe-X” is not only IMPLANT’s 10th album, but it’s also a wink to one of the pioneers of electronica dance.
The album also comes out as a limited edition with a bonus disc full of exclusive new material that can be considered as an integral part of a double-CD release. These bonus tracks were mostly inspired by modular synthesizers - which are very new in IMPLANT’s studio arsenal – and their unique and almost abstract way of creating. If the machines were still “on the leash” on the main album songs, they here got the freedom taking the lead… And the result is a strong highly visual dark sonic trip making allusions to pioneers of experimental electronics. Ideal listening position to this bonus disc is definitely horizontal.
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01. Mediocrity
02. Oxynoxe
03. I'm Not Your Enemy
04. The Phone Call
05. Images
06. The Decay
07. The End
08. Coup De Foudre
09. The Taking
10. Le Pouvoir